A Ventography!

Just two moms letting off some steam

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We love the apps from the Mobile Education Store. We have bought lots of their apps in the past for Annie and Brody. We were so excited to read about their newest venture – interactive textbooks. We can’t wait to be able to download them. Check out this video to see more about the future of textbooks.

Crack the Books™ is a series of interactive books. These revolutionary books are designed to improve reading comprehension in all students, from those with special needs to those with academic gifts. They are the first that can be adjusted for reading level without sacrificing curriculum content. Students can experience all the content presented to their classmates, while reading at a level that is appropriate to their ability. Targeting 3rd – 6th grade science and social studies concepts, our iBooks allow for reading level adjustment from 1st to 8th grade within the same book, making it possible for all students in a classroom to access the same curriculum content regardless of their reading ability.

Crack the Books is part of Mobile Education Store’s award winning suite of educational apps. MES has won over 50 app awards and has been named educational developer of the year in both 2011 and 2012.

For more information:

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website: www.mobile-educationstore.com
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/MobileEducationStore